Visit the Applying for Graduation page for more information We'll see you at the ceremonies!
Congratulations! You have chosen to apply to major or double major in Africana Studies. Here is the form to declare and register your decision:
Choose the form for the category that currently applies to you:
For more information, visit Change of Major or Minor
Congratulations! You have chosen to apply to minor or double minor in Africana Studies. Here is the form to declare and register your decision:
Make sure you meet with your faculty adviser and review the best graduation pathway for a timely graduation and optimal experience.
Here are possible pathways: (Note, these links will take you away from the AFRS website)
Are you wanting to engage directed study with one of our faculty members? Be sure to talk with that faculty member and make sure that you meet the University and Department requirements to take an independent study course. If all is approved, here is a link to the form that you and your supervising faculty member complete. Keep in mind that there are limits that guide when and which faculty members may supervise.
Are you ready to explore your career options and expand your network by participating in one of the national professional organizations, such as National Council of Black Studies (NCBS), the Association for the Study of African Life and History (ASALH) and more? Talk to your Africana studies faculty adviser! Student membership in these organizations are often inexpensive and very helpful for those seeking specific careers, whether within or outside of academe.
As Viviane Green has said, "life is not about waiting for storms to pass, but learning how to dance in the rain." Sometimes we experience unforeseen challenges and emergencies during courses. The University has many resources to help with a wide range of students needs. The are counselling resources, a health clinic, writing and math support as well as career centers on campus. Review the University policy concerning emergencies and see the links below concerning incompletes and withdrawals from courses.
Did you experience an emergency as outlined within our University Policy and are requesting a withdrawal from a course after the drop/add deadline? First, read the policies guiding course withdrawal and retro-active withdrawals. Understand the Academic Calendar that guides these requests. Be sure that you meet the criteria. Clearly state and support your request with appropriate documentation. Here is the form and link to University General Policy for more information.
- Withdrawal from Course Form (see University General Policy)
Did you receive an "Incomplete" grade, and you have completed the contract as outlined and now need to complete the final process? Visit your advising faculty member as well as the instructor during their office hours. Making an appoinment is best practice. Here is a form that you may need to complete:
We wish the best for you! When you are ready to graduate make sure your financial, academic and professional aspirations and opportunities are organized.
- Be sure to review you transcript and course experiences regularly with your faculty adviser in your major(s). You are not only embarking on a journey for intellectual development and experience, but you are also building a key academic and professional network that is designed to support you at various stages in your career and studies.
Our Department, College and University staff look forward to your degree completion as well as the many more successes that each of you will continue to accomplish. See you at the ceremonies!